Portfolio: Brief introduction of the Tortie portfolio
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Tortie Portfolio
Everybody knows the story of "The Hare and The Tortise" from the Aesop's fables. (Otherwise, please log off the computer and go back to your kindergarten teacher. Hey, don't play play kiddo, the police is coming! Get off your father's computer now!)
So, the Tortie portfolio is basically and fundamental-inclined portfolio. We put the majority of our investment capital here. For this blog, we start with a hypothetical RM50,000 capital. We will try to construct a portfolio of 5-10 stocks. Brokerage, dividends etc will be factored in. (Brokerage at 0.42% using HLGeBiz).
So far, we have purchased :
5.6.2006 4000 CYMAO at RM1.30 , Total cost: RM5229.92
posted by winpulse @ 2:36 PM,