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Bunnie Portfolio: Maybank-CA

Currently there are two Maybank Call Warrants actively trading in KLSE:
Maybank-CA and Maybank-CB.

Warrant Price Exercise Price Expiry Date Gearing Total issued
Maybank-CA 1.03 9.70 28/01/2008 (587) 10.10 86,331,800
Maybank-CB 0.47 10.80 18/11/2007 (516) 22.13 47,961,000

As can be seen here, CA offers a slightly longer life and it is 'in the money'. While CB offers a 2x higher gearing, but with a premium. Both are valid investment. Winpulse purchased 3000 shares of Maybank-CA at RM1.04, for the 71 days of extra life.

p/s: due to technical problem, winpulse only manage to buy Public Bank today. Bought PBBANK-01 1000 shares at RM 6.20.

posted by winpulse @ 5:35 PM,


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