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Bunnie Portfolio: Maybank-CA or Maybank-CB?

Ex-Price Mkt Pr Maybank Pr
Maybank-CA 9.70 1.10 10.60
Maybank-CB 10.00 0.55 10.60

At a glance, Maybank-CB appears to offer a gearing of >20, which is double that of CA.
However, it is more likely to be an illusion.

Let's consider the 'what-if' situation of various Maybank prices and calculate the value of the options.
Premiums are ignored to simplify the calculation.

From the table, it appears that Maybank-CB offers slightly better return only when Maybank's price is more than RM12.00.
Given the short expiry date of both warrants, WINPULSE is of opinion that Maybank-CA is the better choice.

posted by winpulse @ 8:49 AM,


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