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Tortie Portfolio Review: 28.7.2006

Our acting managing director sold half of tortie's position on 17.7.2006, wrong move!
On hind sight, the best day to sell, if wanted to sell at all, was 13.7.2006; the second best day to sell would had been 14.7.2006. And the worst day to sell...17.7.2006

The loss was not that great in abosulte term, the realised loss was RM960.51. If we take into account the RM750 capital repayment from BJTOTO, the actual loss was RM210.51. But the 'hidden' opportunity cost was greater! Just to quote one example. PBBANK-01 which was bought at RM6.20 and sold at RM6.35, is at RM6.65 level now. And Winpulse is still bullish on PBB. The question now is, when will be the right time to buy it again? Wait for correction? Headache for our acting managing director.

Subsequently, after the panic had settled, Tortie bought Pelikan on 20/7/2006 at RM2.96 and CYMAO at RM0.955 at 21/7/2006. Cash balance is RM13791.81 at this moment. Tortie may increase exposure to SUIWAH, and may repurchase PBB.

To date, the portfolio value is RM50451.81, a mere 0.9% gain. A dissappointing underperformance. Let's hope for a better tomorrow :)

posted by winpulse @ 10:20 AM,


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